The Sound Cave Project creates immersive sound art installations through harnessing the profound natural phenomenon of sympathetic resonance. Surrounding people in thousands of strings echoing back any sounds made inside explores the question: if tiny vibrations of air moving through space can resonate and physically move other objects, how do all of our actions affect the world around us?
Musical Structures
These projects vary widely in size and shape, from personal sized Sound Harps to gazebo sized Sound Caves, all the way up to Sound Shrines like the Shrine of Sympathetic Resonance, a 37’ tall, 50’ across musical sculpture with over 10,000 musical strings.
If you’re interested event rentals or permanent installation we’re happy to partner with individuals and organizations to continue sharing these powerful experiences. We also offer accompanying performances, workshops, meditative sound baths and curated immersive environments. Or signup on our mailing list to stay inform of all our public offerings.
The Philosophy
Sympathetic Resonance is a phenomenon of our natural world that occurs when sound vibrations interact with objects tuned to them so strongly that these objects continue echoing this tone into the room even after the original sound stops. If this phenomenon happens within our audible hearing, does it also happen in frequencies beyond our hearing? What about in our actions? Our words? Our thoughts? And if every action we take continues to resonate in the world beyond our immediate effect, what ways do we choose to participate in the world around us?
Sound Cave Projects not only help participants experience this magical aspect of our everyday world but invite them to interact and play with it by singing or crying into thousands of musical strings that echo back any sound people put into them. But how long do these echoes last? And do the frequencies above and below hearing range also affects other objects similarly?
What’s Next:
Since creating The Shrine of Sympathetic Resonance, our largest Sound Cave to date, we have been continuing to develop the performance and workshop aspects of the project while simultaneously creating new designs large and small. We are also looking for new events, individuals and organizations to partner with for creating and sharing new Sound Cave Projects in various parts of the world. If you’re interested in starting a conversation to book or commission your very own Sound Harp, Sound Cave or Sound Shrine please email us at
If you’re looking to get involved or support this project sign up for our mailing list, reach out to become part of our crew, or send a tax-deductible donation through our 501c3 Fiscal Sponsor.