Monthly Archives: March 2019

tyson ayers- Lead Artist and Project Lead

Tyson has been creating musical sculptures, performance venues, and large scale art installations in the US, at Burning Man and around the world since 2006. Since 2010 he has been organizing, managing, and collaborating with the collective of artists, builders, performers, & technicians that are creating the Shrine of Sympathetic Resonance.

tyson ayers- Lead Artist and Project Lead2019-06-01T04:23:09+00:00

Leah Desjardins- Project Lead and Collaborating Artist

Leah has been part of the Sound Cave projects since 2017 with roles including creative design,  fabrication and programming. Her first project was the Sound Cave Pyramid at Rainbow Serpent Festival in Australia in January 2017. She has taken part in every subsequent Sound Cave Project since then including Star Star Roadhouse, Chapel of the Chimes, Oregon Country Fair, Joshua Tree Music Festival, Lighting in a Bottle and Okeechobee Music Festival. Her role as the project co-lead and collaborating artist on the Shrine of Sympathetic Resonance was invaluable to the successful outcome of its creation and the entire crew.

Leah Desjardins- Project Lead and Collaborating Artist2020-04-10T02:45:22+00:00